I am not a history buff. When this poem poured out, it surprised me much more than it will surprise you! I read the Declaration of Independence. Yup, I really did! After I read it, I dug a little deeper. That’s when I met Abigail. She was an opinionated, strong women (which I love), and I was swept into the love story between her and John Adams. This is the poem that became . This story is true. Enjoy. Happy Independence Day! God Bless America.

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Lesley CasnerComment
BOARDING THE FLIGHT OF "What if's". And why you should always pack your cards.

What are you afraid of? Have you ever asked yourself this simple, yet profound question!? I have. And it changed me. Ponder this quick read story about how this simple question flip flopped my perspective about fear. You will also get to meet Barbara.. a panicked airline passenger who approaches her fear of the “what if’s” in two very different scenarios! Fasten your seat belts..!

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Lesley CasnerComment
HEATHER THE GOOSE. A Story of Friendship, Loyalty, Teamwork, and Feathers.

The sound of the gun reached her after the shot did. The hunter’s aim had grazed her right wing, throwing her out of formation and stunning her in mid air. Her skein had been airborne for hours when it happened. Heather was tired, and the shot had instantly zapped all of her remaining energy. She knew she was going down. With the last of her fight she “honked” as loud as she could to her skein. Then she swerved, wobbled, and coasted towards earth, relying on her sharp vision to land her safely.

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Lesley CasnerComment
LET HER BECOME. Rediscovering You. And Choosing to Become who you were Meant To Be.

When you lose yourself. When you are afraid. When you have lost your feels impossible to climb out of that valley and back to you. BUT YOU CAN… and it’s easier when we support each other. Deciding to make a big change in your life is huge. It’s so hard to start. It takes discipline to practice and create habits. And then there’s the frustration and daily failures. Just like the little girl at the beginning of this story…

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Lesley CasnerComment
FLIGHT TO STILLNESS. Facing Your Unknowns...Just You and God.

Stillness. The pilot had announced her decent only moments ago. She leaned forward, reaching around her folded legs and under the seat for her bag. The faded, and scuffed leather sack found her familiar hand and landed freely on her lap. She unzipped the pouch and rummaged nervously through the wadded receipts, loose change, and lipstick tubes until she found her passport. Destination Stillness. Yes, her ticket confirmed the same.

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Lesley CasnerComment
BROKEN MUSTANGS. Only One Reason to Call Someone You Love.

The receiver smelled like motor oil. The dingy, green, phone receiver had been kindly handed to her by the bulky man with the cracked, grease-stained fingers, from behind the cash register counter. He had wiped his rough, calloused hands on a dirty blue cloth and then untangled and stretched the coiled phone cord towards her. The push-button base dinged and clanked as he lifted it from behind the counter onto a disheveled pile of torn motor-parts catalogs, that lay open and heaped on the narrow desk in front of her.

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Lesley CasnerComment
VAULTS AND MIRRORS. The Truth is "You ARE Enough".

The battered girl just she stood there, silent and disheartened, staring at herself in the mirror; she had become her own worst enemy. No matter how she looked at it, Disappointment was ugly, cumbersome, and hard to fight. Her successes felt small, her goals achieved seemed insignificant. Disappointment had dulled her senses and buried her joy. Fulfillment, Gratification, and Delight had lost its breath, smothered by Failure and Expectation.

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Lesley CasnerComment
WAITING FOR THE HUMMINGBIRD. Big Blessings That Come In Tiny Packages.

She heard a buzz. Her eyes were still closed as she shifted her narrow, inner thoughts outward, and listened. The soft, distinct, buzz drew closer and she opened her eyes, shifting her sight to the lonely, red, bird feeder hanging patiently from the wooden roof beam. The tiny, bright green hummingbird floated and waltzed, back and forth, around, and upside down the red bird feeder, dipping its long, narrow beak into the sweet feast within. She didn’t move a muscle, she didn’t want it to end. Joy washed into the empty, dark alleys of her heart as she memorized the tiny dancer.

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Lesley CasnerComment
THE GIRL UNDER THE BLACK UMBRELLA. Loving Her instead of Judging Her.

She called her the girl with the bags. The first time she had seen her was through her windshield, then a half-second later looking sideways through her driver’s side window; later again, maybe two seconds later, through her rearview mirror. Then she was gone. The girl with the bags, on the side of the road, had surprised her. She didn’t know her name, so she shamefully labeled her.

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Lesley CasnerComment
TUBE SOCK AND TUESDAY UNDERWEAR. Running, Pedaling, and Sliding Feet First Into Faith.

Her tomboy way was simple, innocent and true, her tube socks were her eight-year-old outward statement that inwardly gave her confidence and made her feel strong. Pulling her baseball socks over her calf and up to her knee was her battle cry, her call to action. They said “yes you can” when she wondered if she could. Over 40 years later she can still say that those tube socks were the coolest thing she ever wore.

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Lesley CasnerComment
CANCER DRUMS. Spend the Night with a Caregiver.

Cancer…rattle, shake, pop. Don’t forget about the cancer…pop, crack, shake. Are you thinking about the cancer yet?…shuffle, oomph, rattle…gulp. She squinched her eyes just enough for the clock on her bedside table to whisper that is was 2am. The bedroom was black and still. A murky silence hung in the atmosphere and muffled her ears. The stillness stiffened her body as she listened for his breath. Quietly she rolled onto her side, rubbing her eyes in a tired attempt to see through the blanket of darkness in front of her. Slowly, gradually, his silhouette appeared.

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Lesley CasnerComment
PANIC TUNNELS. Experiencing a Panic Attack.

The unforeseen warning had instantly sucked the mountain air from her lungs, jerking her out of the beauty and freedom surrounding her and back into the captive prison of her mind. That ugly prison where the grip of fear strangles all reason. Just like that, the well-intentioned warning sign had blinded her, narrowing her focus to the inevitable darkness of the tunnel ahead.

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Lesley CasnerComment
THE PERFECT STORY. Deepen your relationship by Reading Together.

God’s timing and hand in this newly embraced reading addiction was becoming clear. This simple task, thirty-minutes each day, was introducing a fresh perspective to her and Kevin’s relationship, both emotionally and spiritually. These intimate moments of learning, growing, and discovering would ultimately reignite a light in her heart that had fizzled and dimmed her spirit.

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Lesley CasnerComment
PUSH. RUN. DONE. It's Super Hard to Stay Disciplined. Try Not to Overthink it.

She stepped off the covered porch adjusting her perched sunglasses from her head to her nose. It wasn’t early and it wasn’t late, but it was bright and sticky; the wet air clung to her arms and she could feel the heat melting through her baseball cap matting her thick, dark hair. Pandora belted thru her earbuds mixing and pumping upbeat motivation into her ears and filtering to her feet. She glanced down at her purple running shoes, tapped her heel against the asphalt giving her equipment one last slip test. With a deep exhale she eased and shifted her mind and body into drive.

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Lesley CasnerComment
HAIR. CUSS..MUTTER....CUSS. Is this Menopause? Seriously??

She bent down and swept up the tumbleweeds of tangled hair that had fallen and drifted into the corners of her bathroom floor. What the heck had happened to her thick, shiny locks? It seemed the good soil that held her roots to her scalp had turned to sand, and now her hair was falling out. She muttered and cussed under her breath as she combed her hair back from her forehead, revealing the broken, fine, baby sprigs that were in a fight for survival. She took a deep, worried breath as she examined her receding hairline. Crap, maybe she needed bangs, she thought, to hide the broken pieces? She hated bangs. Cuss, mutter…cuss, mutter…

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Lesley CasnerComment
MESSAGE RECEIVED. Friends, Marriage, Bipolar Disorder, and Hearing God.

She was naive about God and she knew it, but staying naive and silent felt safer than being exposed and feeling stupid. She blamed no one for her lack of understanding, she simply accepted it. Her path was well worn, comfortable, and under her control. She was a mother and a wife. She worked, took care of her home, and controlled her unraveling life the best she knew how. She accepted the choices she had made and denied every day that something was terribly wrong.

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Lesley CasnerComment